The internet highway

'cos I gotta have a page full of links...

I am compelled by dark forces to keep my internet presence organized, so let's get this shit out the way...

My twitter - Used to be for game dev, now taken over by rts of memes and art from The Locked Tomb and FFXIV. Frankly, it's a mess.

My tumblr - Strictly for game dev and game dev accessories. Expect it to be a ghost town if I'm not actively working on something.

I'm not active on any other social media. If you found me somewhere else, no you didn't.

Essential software I use all the time

Firefox - Stop using Chrome and use a browser that isn't evil.

IrfanView - The lightest image viewer in the land. Also has batch processing (resizing, changing formats, etc)

Blender - The epitome of 3d model making software that just works.

Aseprite - The best pixel art program I've found. Bit expensive, but worth it.

FocusWriter - A super stripped down writing application. For when you basically just need a digital typewriter with themes that wont burn your eyes.

AntiMicro - Lightweight no-fuss controller remapping software.

Useful Websites

OneLook Reverse Dictionary - Can't think of a word or want a word that's similar to it? Describe said word and this website will find it for you. An absolute godsend for when I'm suffering from Slime Brain.

w3schools - Comprehensive and easy to use HTML reference. I could not have made this website without them and copious amounts of CTRL-C/CTRL-V.

Quackit HTML Frames Templates - I used their templates to make the foundation of my website. I dunno anything else about this site, but I figured I should shout them out for their help anyway. Long live frames!

Brackets - A free and open-source code editor targeted at web design. Does exactly what you need it to do and even has a live preview that instantly updates as you code! Enable the "experimental live preview" option to use it with Firefox.

Lospec Palette List - The first step for having something looking kinda good is having a very good color palette. A lot of my games use these. This website does not.

BitFontMaker2 Gallery - Big collection of pixel fonts. Great for games, buttons, or anyone who really hates anti-aliasing. Also has a font maker, if you're into that.

Fun Stuff - Gives your images that authentic JPEG taste!

PhotoMosh - Add glitch effects to images. Also makes gifs!

Endless Horse - Boy howdy! That ASCII just keeps goin'!